Rick is a 28-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry, having held senior positions in Clinical Development at Merck & Co. and AstraZeneca. His career has included leading cardiovascular drug development at Merck, and leadership roles in the U.S. Business, Global Medical Sciences, and New Opportunities at AstraZeneca. At AstraZeneca he also helped lead their efforts to transform Clinical Development, focusing on improving program and protocol design. Rick joined Quintiles in 2011, where he oversaw the Biostatistics/Medical Writing/Global Regulatory Affairs group (Clinical Analysis & Reporting Services), Safety Knowledge & Reporting, and the Center for Integrated Drug Development – Quintile’s home for clinical program and trial design and its enabling technology platform, Infosario Design®. In 2014 he became a Managing Director in QuintilesIMS Consulting Services and then Senior Vice-President in the IQVIA Design & Delivery Innovation group, leading the Strategic Drug Development group, supporting biopharma companies to design integrated development, regulatory, and commercial strategies for their assets. Rick now is the Managing Director of Pharma Design Solutions, Ltd., his own consultancy practice, supporting senior biopharmaceutical executives with their corporate and organizational aspirations, as well as technology companies interesting in improving R&D productivity in the pharmaceutical industry.